Who We Are

For more than 35 years the mission of Track&Field has always been to inspire movement. Our brand was developed by people with a passion for sports. We created a universe to meet the real needs of our customers and equip them for a heathy and active lifestyle.

We are the largest Brazilian sports brand in the apparel sector.
Track&Field products are sold exclusively at physical stores and on e-commerce. Our e-commerce platform has a multi-channel operation integrated with our physical network.

We have created the best sports experiences in Latin America.
The brand’s ecosystem of creating experiences for consumers are made up of face-to-face and online events. We also hosts – one of the continent’s largest street racing circuit events.

Our growth is based on a robust franchise business model.
In addition to evaluating the potential return of a new market, we choose franchisees with prior experience in business administration that align with our brand and vision.

We have a complete portfolio of sports products designed with exclusive fabric technology.
Our portfolio includes collections featuring athletic wear, lifestyle, beachwear, footwear, and accessories – 80% of our products volume is made in Brazil.

359 stores in 159 cities located in 25 states
46 company-operated stores
313 franchises
+ 1,600 employees
683.7 million net revenue in 2023
2,925 events in 2023