Itáu Unibanco is the custodian bank responsible for Track&Field shares. Itaú is our bookkeeping agent for safekeeping, updating transactions, paying dividends, and providing shareholder services.
Please find the contact information for Itaú Unibanco below:
Specialized Branches
Belo Horizonte: Av. João Pinheiro, 195 – Subsolo
Rio de Janeiro: Av. Almirante Barroso, 52- 2º andar
São Paulo: R. Boa Vista, 176 – 1º Subsolo
Salvador: Av. Estados Unidos, 50 – 2º andar
To clarify any questions or concerns please call the following numbers below:
For Capital Cities & Metropolitan Regions: 3003-9285
For Other Locations: 0800 7209285
*Business hours range from 9 am to 6 pm on business days.
In regards to your shareholder status, Itaú provides the following resources: