Service to Shareholders

Itáu Unibanco is the custodian bank responsible for Track&Field shares. Itaú is our bookkeeping agent for safekeeping, updating transactions, paying dividends, and providing shareholder services.

Please find the contact information for Itaú Unibanco below:

Specialized Branches

Belo Horizonte: Av. João Pinheiro, 195 – Subsolo
Rio de Janeiro: Av. Almirante Barroso, 52- 2º andar
São Paulo: R. Boa Vista, 176 – 1º Subsolo
Salvador: Av. Estados Unidos, 50 – 2º andar

To clarify any questions or concerns please call the following numbers below:
For Capital Cities & Metropolitan Regions: 3003-9285
For Other Locations: 0800 7209285

*Business hours range from 9 am to 6 pm on business days.

In regards to your shareholder status, Itaú provides the following resources:

For Itaú Bank Account Holders: To schedule a consultation, please access your account via Under the site menu, please select Conta Corrente (Current Account). There you will find the Informe de Rendimentos (Income Report). Under Investimentos (Investments), you can view your book-entry shares managed by Itaú. Our platform is simple and safe to use.

For Those Without an Itaú Account: Consultations can be scheduled securely through Itaú Corretora. First go to and select “Não-Correntista” (Non-Account Holder) > “Quero me cadastrar” (I want to register), and then follow the next steps listed on the screen. This process is simple and can be completed entirely online.